Admission Policy
Enrollment shall be granted to each student applicant of at least 17 years of age, without regard to sex, race, color, physical disability, national and ethnic origin, creed, denomination or religious affiliation, expressing a desire to learn.
R.I.T. seeks to encourage vigorous discussion and research as an integral element in our common search for truth. We believe that the engagement of one another in discussion is a necessary precondition for genuine learning, faithfulness, and mutuality.
R.I.T. seeks to be and challenge our students to be a risen champion, and trail blazers for the church on issues of pressing human concerns by providing a forum in which these social questions can be addressed freely and critically in the context of biblical, theological perspectives and revelation.
Transfer Students
Students transferring from any school, theological seminaries, bible colleges, schools of ministries, will be given credit for classes taken as their credits approximates the curriculum of R.I.T./R.O.U. Any course grades less than “C” will not be transferred. A copy of a previous transcripts is to be sent or brought to the office of R.I.T. for evaluation. Upon completion of each evaluation, R.I.T./R.O.U will notify the student of the number of course credits accepted by the Institute.
Transfer-ability of Credits
Credits earned at Ramah Institute of Theology/Ramah Online University are transferable at the discretion of the receiving institution. Also, credits transferred to R.I.T/R.O.U. are received at the discretion of the Admissions/Academic Committee.
Fee Schedule:
Application Processing Fee: $150.00
Admission And Registration Fee: $150.00
Per Course Fee: $150.00
Inquire About Degree Cost
To register with Ramah Institute of Theology, all students are required to submit the following to the office:
1. A completed application, application processing fee
2.a student portfolio vitae & all documentation and school transcripts.
3. Admission & registration fee
4. 2' by 2' snapshot
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